Some Heavy Stuff
I must interrupt this blog series about our family vacation to get some things off my chest. First, let me be very clear. This blog is my space to write about anything I wish. Writing is very...
View Article...And Then There Was a New House, Part 1
Once upon a time, probably nine-ish months ago, a co-worker who was preparing to retire approached me and asked me if we were interested in buying her house. At the time, we had been in our "temporary"...
View Article...And Then There Was a New House, Part 2
If you haven't already, you may want to read my previous post, which is the first part of this story. If you already read it and you're coming back to read the resolution of this little cliffhanger,...
View Article...And Then There Was a New House, Part 3
(Reminder - you can click these pictures to make them larger!) When we last visited this topic in my previous post, I was describing the horror of the refrigerator in the new house, and having to...
View Article...And Then There Was a New House, Part 4
If you haven't read the previous installments in this little series about our new house, you can start here! So once we had the wood dry - after a lot of work and irritation - we were finally ready to...
View ArticleAmber vs. Anxiety
The other day, a cousin called me kind of out of the blue. (I love it when this happens, at least if it's a relative I adore, and I especially adore this one! She might even be my favorite. Don't tell...
View ArticleAmber vs. Money
In an effort to return to blogging more regularly, I'm trying really hard to get away from the whole idea that every post I write has to be a meaningful, prolonged story. Don't get me wrong, I have...
View ArticleThat Time I Reappeared After Two Years Away
Man, I miss this place. I need to write more. I know, I've said this a LOT of times. That's because it's true. I think it's actually more true now than it has ever been. I have a therapist. She's...
View ArticleCurrent TV Obsession
So, here's a little-known fact about me, because I know you people live for those... (That was sarcasm, for those slow on the uptake.) I fall in love with TV shows, on average, 5-10 years after they...
View ArticleMy First Momcation (Ugh, I Don't Even Like That Word)
Believe it or not, our kid just turned eight. EIGHT. I know everyone says this, but seriously... how and when did this all happen? Didn't we just bring him home from the hospital a week ago? So...
View ArticleAnxiety, Guided Meditation, and the Calm App!
Wow, what is this, three blog posts inside a couple of weeks? I'm about to set a new personal best (since Aidan was born anyway). At some point, I plan to tell you all what prompted my random return....
View ArticleDisney Dreams
During the 6 years we spent attempting to become parents, we developed a whole lot of dreams and wishes about things we wanted to do with our future child(ren). Of course, our clueless childless...
View ArticleTwo Years Ago Today
Two years ago today, I was a witness to something so powerful, I will never forget it. I've never told this story. I have never felt like it was my story to tell. It's a story of absolutely...
View ArticleAwkwardness
This post will probably be aaaaaallllll over the place. Very representative of how my brain is functioning this week. I want to get all of this out... but I can't. There are big things happening. And...
View ArticlePain, and More Pain...
I haven't written in three months. I've been having writer's block again. I hate it. I think I know why, and I'm trying to change those circumstances, but it takes time. I apologize in advance for some...
View ArticleA Long Story and a Turning Point
It's funny that my last post was exactly a year ago, as of the date I start writing this post anyway. And here I am itching to write something. There must be something about February 10th that wakes up...
View ArticleA Few Comments on Current Events
I've done SO MUCH self-reflection this last two weeks, as I imagine most of us have. As I HOPE many of us have. Self-reflection, after all, is never a bad thing. Unpleasant sometimes, perhaps, but...
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